things I do


2024-09-28 - Security through obscurity, or how to listen Morning for free

This is a long one, I’ll likely split in two.

“Il Post” is an italian online newspaper to whom I have been subscribed for years. They also produce several podcast, some of which are for subscribers only, and can only be listened on the browser on desktop and on their app on mobile.

Their app used to be quite buggy: it often crashed, or sometimes it kept playing but without making any sound.


2024-02-01 - On Kindertip part II

I’m pretty happy with the current state of that website, even if I’m thinking that I could make a newsletter out of it, if I could get access to the admin information (diary of all the kids).

After adding the 3 main features (meal rankings, monthly trends, weekday seasonality) I’ve mostly worked on design and navigation improvements, and sent it to the Kindergarten asking for information.

I’d like to work on the prediction model, that could even be used as a new rating algorithm: something like TargetEncoding could be used as a feature for the users maybe, or at least it would be useful for the model.


2024-01-29 - On Kindertip, or whichever name I'll end up choosing

EDIT: The website is online

I’ve started working on a simple project lately, mostly during last week, when I was visiting Sevilla with my family.

I have a ~2 years old daughter, she goes to a kindergarten that around 8 months ago started using an application to communicate live with parents, Kindertap. On that app the teachers upload information on meals, news, contagious illnesses, and pictures.

On December, us parents were told to download all pictures since on January they would delete all old pictures to reduce their used space, and I thought I could write a simple script that, periodically, would download said pictures and upload them either on my NAS or on my GDrive account, since on the website there is a “Downloads” page where said pictures can be downloaded as monthly compressed files.