things I do

On Kindertip part II

I’m pretty happy with the current state of that website, even if I’m thinking that I could make a newsletter out of it, if I could get access to the admin information (diary of all the kids).

After adding the 3 main features (meal rankings, monthly trends, weekday seasonality) I’ve mostly worked on design and navigation improvements, and sent it to the Kindergarten asking for information.

I’d like to work on the prediction model, that could even be used as a new rating algorithm: something like TargetEncoding could be used as a feature for the users maybe, or at least it would be useful for the model.

I’ve asked for help for the design, and I can only think of a couple of new features: meal recipes, ingredients ranking and prediction model for parents, and aggregated information for the kindergarten. No idea if they would make sense, but I’ll ask for recipes as soon as I get back from them. Looking at Netlify I started working on it on January, 10th, we are approaching fast the 2 weeks period after which I’ll definitely lose interest sadly.
